Welcome to my new blog

Speaking to elementary school studentsI am a neophyte when it comes to blogging, but I’m a quick learner and I promise improvement. In this forum, I am determined to offer a unique perspective on the philanthropic ventures of professional athletes. Little happens on the field without documentation by 100 140-character snippets, 50 Facebook pages, 20 radio stations, 10 broadcasters, and 5 major networks. Off the field however, player notes are dominated by largely disparaging remarks. Many of my teammates share endeavors that shed light on important issues and causes, and their passions are neither unique to this team or this sport. Rather, benevolence is a common thread throughout all major professional sports, and there are some incredible stories to be told.

Enter Play It Forward.


  1. Paul Schnabel

    Way to go Craig. Sports no different than mainstream media- negativity trumps the positive. But athletes often make huge contributions- read Olneys article about Mo Rivera for example.
    Go Red Sox

  2. Eileen

    Best Wishes Craig for Strike 3 continued success! and more importantly congrats on being nominated for this year Clemente Award.

  3. David

    Welcome to the community! Great blog Craig! I really look forward to reading more of it. I was wondering if you could check out my blog, Bleacher Boy. It’s a kid’s view on all things baseball. I would be very happy to have a real MLB star read my blog.
    THANKS Mr. Breslow!
    -David S.

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